Determined to find a better way to create smart, green, cost effective
housing, PLACE teamed with DLH Inc to launch PLACE Houses’ line
of modern, prefab houses for the eco-conscious 21st century consumer.
The four stock designs arose from common threads gleaned from a
dozen years designing houses, combined with extensive research on
materials and prefab construction options. A streamlined modular
construction process saves resources, cost, and time: typically a
20 to 30% cost savings and half the on-site construction time of a
custom build. The PH Medium, at just over 2500 square feet, is a
flexible 3-bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, two- storey house with a single car
garage - or art studio? Workspace? It features a roof that collects
rainwater for irrigation, super-insulated walls, energy efficient
systems and the daylight, natural materials and connections to
outdoors that PLACE is known for.